Thoughts & Comments
I am a retired Applied Improviser, Author, Aikido Sensei, history buff, and amateur philosopher.

I am a retired Applied Improviser, Author, Aikido Sensei, history buff, and amateur philosopher.
The Greater Number Back cover.
See my opening opening page for the front cover.
30 years in the making.
My view of the positive nature
of life on our planet.
Available only in Hard Cover
Available via Barnes & Noble
Based on 37 years in Improvisation, and 27 years as a pioneer in Applied Improvisation.
First published in North America in 2000, as
Improvisation, Inc.: Harnessing Spontaneity to Engage People and Groups
Available via Barnes & Noble
in Paperback, and as an eBook
Available internationally via multiple sources
Back Cover of Improvisation, Inc.
Happy Vernday Birthcox: Revolution, Evolution and an Uncommon Commune 1970
True stories of a most incredible era during the American Cultural Revolution
located in Marin County,
North of San Francisco
Available via Barnes & Noble
in Paperback, and as an eBook
Happy Vernday Birthcox
Back Cover
Entering the magical time through
The Robin Williams Tunnel
Enhanced Simulations My chapter is "Beyond Psychotherapy: An Introduction to Applied Improvisation Beyond Comedy and Before Therapy" The whole chapter is available here.
(Scroll up to see cover)
Twenty eight therapists exploring uses of their therapy skills and experience beyond therapy.
Improvisation, Inc.: Harnessing Spontaneity to Engage People and Groups 2000
The first book in North America focusing specifically on the use of Improvisation in business and human communication .
I have only two copies that might be made available
to the right poople, under the right conditions.
Contact me if interested.
Listed on Barnes and Noble is a very poor version and I advise against obtaining it.
In its place I offer this
A poem was born today.
The product of gestation,
As with any living thing.
Its womb, a lively, breathing
Profundity called consciousness.
The egg within this fecund bed.
An abstract ovum, we call language.
The fertilizing seed? A word.
An act of love and faith in mating, word to thought,
Began the miracle of alpha bits expanding,
Ontoginous philogony.
ABC like DNA, in infinite formulation
Promoting cellular combination,
Leading first to differentiation
Then a presentation, cell to organ,
Soma to system, to birth of self-sustaining being.
As most often, only the poet was
Attendant at the birth.
There as mother, father, midwife,
Family, nurse, and registrar;
Arbiter of this small being’s life, or death.
Responsible as parent, community, and culture,
The wordsmith may nourish, mature, or abort
This fragile bit of new life.
The poet may imprison and limit,
Or express and share this child of emo-thought.
And so, to you, this new life comes,
Perhaps as mother language,
Perhaps as father tongue,
Or maybe simply as a friend
With whom to share a moment
Upon this space bound pearl we call earth.
Writing, walking with, and talking to trees, reading, playing with global Improvisers, and applied improvisers, watching my son building his life as an accomplished adult.
Robert Lowe is a retired Improvisation elder. The founder, and chief executive of Improvisation Incorporated, a pioneering educational consulting firm specializing in the use of Improvisation Theater techniques for organizational development, and for business, professional, and interpersonal communication. His work included such early clients as AT&T, Georgia Pacific Corporation, The Southern Company, Medtronics, Inc., the Government Services Administration, Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, the Southeastern Regional Association of Girl Scout Executives, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Georgia Baptist Medical Center, the Fulton County Staff Development Council, and the Center
for Puppetry Arts,
among many others.
In his thirty-nine-year exploration of Improvisation, Lowe has been a dancer, a player, a teacher, a director, and a mentor in the uses of Improvisation for purposes beyond performance.
In Atlanta, Georgia he is known as “The Godfather” of Improvisation, having founded and directed the first Improv Comedy Theatre Troupe in Georgia – “The Lightside City Players”, and The Next City Comedy Theatre, the first Improvisational Comedy Theatre in the Southeastern U.S. Robert was a co-founding mentor and teacher of The Let's Try This Players (Now LTT!) the resident Improvisation Troupe at Georgia Institute of Technology in 1989.
He has taught Improvisation and stand-up comedy, public speaking and presentation, and community and personal advocacy in a variety of venues.
Robert's Improvisation Comedy Workshop™ with graduation performances placed hundreds of “just plain folks” on Improvisation stages facing live audiences. His work in Improvisation is known in many countries.
Robert Lowe has been a management consultant, a public speaker, an adjunct university professor, a corporate vice president, a national sales representative, a program analyst, a project director, a welfare supervisor in the San Quentin district of Northern California, a customer service manager in South Central Los Angeles, a U.S. Navy officer, a legal services paralegal and community educator, and a legal secretary. He has been a Boy Scout executive, a corporate collector, a carpenter, an electrician, a political activist, a community activist, an advocate for handicapped accessibility, an actor, a dancer, a meditator, a poet, an historian, and a philosopher. He is also an Eagle Scout, which pleased his mother and father to no end.
Robert was a teacher with the Department of Communication at Georgia State University for thirteen years, specializing in “Human “Communication”, “Public Speaking”, “Business and Professional Communication”, Voice and Articulation”, “Acting I”, and “Special Studies in Improvisation” during which time he received the honor of being named an Outstanding Part-Time Instructor.
Lowe holds the rank of Nidan (second degree black belt), and the status of Fuku Shidoin (teacher) in Aikido, with over twenty-two years on the mat, including more than seven years specializing in teaching children. His articles have been published in “Aikido Today Magazine” and “The Journal of Asian Martial Arts”.
He is the father of a fine boy who is now 28, and the delight of his father’s life. Robert spends some time each day playing some music, writing, reading voraciously, delighting in the beauty and abundance of this life, and in grateful thanks to God for all that is.
More than anything else, Robert Lowe is a man who one day nearly 40 years ago found the power of focus on the current instant, and has been unwilling, and unable to let go of its pursuit for even a moment since. When he talks about Improvisation, and about creativity, and about the human spirit, and about the power of spontaneity, and the salvation of human collaboration, his eyes light up, the air crackles, and his feet only
barely touch the ground.
He truly sees the explosive development of Improvisational Thinking as the next, and most vital, step in the evolution of human culture.
Robert grew up in a neighborhood which had one of the highest juvenile crime rates in America between 1950 and 1970. There were youth gangs in the schools before it was the fashion, and motorcycle gangs on the streets where he learned to walk in awareness and hope. He worked in poverty communities in South Central Los Angeles during the “first” Watts Riots. Through an era of revolution and evolution, he has seen the world come abruptly against itself only to find the desperate need of some real personal, internal, and creative human work in human cooperation.
Robert spent 10 years in an extraordinary community of communes, social services, and politics during the time of radical change between 1970 and 1980, just before discovering Improvisational Dance in San Diego, California. His second book, Happy Vernday Birthcox: Revolution, Evolution, and an Uncommon Commune – 1970, a true story, was published in 2015 and tells of the extraordinary people and times that prepared him for a life engaged in Improvisa
One hopes to have some experiences and some wisdom to share.
Stages of Human Development
Birth to 7 - Infant and Toddler
7 to 13 Child
14 to 20 Apprentice
21 to 27 Journeyperson
28 to 34 Craftsperson
35 to 41 Master Craftsperson
42 to 49 Master – having answers to “life, the
universe, and everything”
50 - Entry into the
Council of Elders
60 – Keys to the chambers of the Shamens
70 - Shepherd of wisdom
80 - Mentor of love and peace
90 - Repository of histories
100 - Magnifico sendiori.
and triple digit kid.
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